Season 1 Episode 5 - Mixed, Annual, Perennial, and Herbaceous Borders

Misty/chilly/drizzley perfect weather for seeds, blossoming daffodils and plum trees, east coast cold, bemoaned crocuses now up, garden journal, Thomas Jefferson, Elizabeth's daffs just poking up, exciting to not know, birthday!, universe aligning, Gardening Expo, 6 chickens, Forrest is going to build a coop, Mr. Groundhog, fence around veggies, spin-off, replant lettuce, peppers popped, neonatal leaves, leggy tomatoes, planting tomatoes deep, grow lights, annuals & perennials, trees are the biggest perennials, breaks my heart, Portland trees, stumps, Tika on the counter, just wait and eventually the gods that be will tell you what to do, willow water, replant grocery store basil, friends and the podcast, tender and hardy perennials, no one ever plans for how many plants they need to bring in, herbaceous vs. woody perennial, Chelsea Flower Show, all the gardeners spouting Latin like they were in church, Steve, Albus Dumbledore, my digitalis, you don't want to tick off your psychic or your gardener, mixed and annual borders, nasty ticks and mosquitos, mosquito dunks, astilbe, natural bug repellant, zinnias, cosmos, manure, perennial and herbaceous borders, bleeding heart, Christopher Lloyd, evergreens give your eyes a rest after all the chaos of the flowers, sherbet course, boxwood, greek garden, stressing tomatoes, you fool, Missouri tomatoes, growing gills, determinate vs. indeterminate tomatoes, t-bars, fencing, put a 50 cent plant in a 5 dollar hole, blossom end rot, lime, walls of water, we lost Elizabeth, bye.