Season 1 Episode 20 - Lawn Dinosaurs, Leaves, Soil & Pull-ins

Doin’ good, rainy season starting, tomatoes, plastic heat wrap, gender identity issue with chickens, lawn dinosaurs, Lewis laying eggs, chicken talk, fresh eggs, blonde moment, it’s fall, leaf mold, I just looked this up so I’m really really smart for today, soil is it, as leaves decompose they feed back the very tree with its own leaves, you can just Google it, who figured that out?, mums, tulips, daffodils, soil test kit, azaleas, lilac, gladiolas, so enjoying the show, staking, digging up tubers, Forrest is blown away, fall is one of the best gardening seasons, mum societies, how a snippet got into my pocket…, willow water, geraniums, pull-ins, feel like I’m in a jungle, plant saucers, groundhog, listener letter, huckleberries, natives, baby blue-eyes, bees, there are things we can actually do to become part of the ecosystem, alternate universe Forrest, Tortilla Soup.