Season 1 Episode 18 - Collecting Seeds, Recipes & Non Resistance Planting

I’m tired old Aunt Rebecca in Oregon, it’s been hot and dry all over the world, putting the garden to bed is sad, next year I’ll do this better, I can list all the many things I’ve done wrong, winter is a time when all of nature needs to rest, I’m going to try to talk myself into this, mums, tomatoes, my cucumbers are growing in balls, bean store, they’re awkward, umbrella, Italian Bean Salad, Green Bean Salad w/red onions, I have to brag Kale Salad, hold onto your butts everyone, dandelions, garlic mustard, wilted salad, we pulled up all of the dead things, green mulching, hairy vetch, it’s good to acknowledge and take stock, dahlias, lilies, you have to be patient with yourself, marigolds, collecting seeds, poppy seeds, seed starting, people ooh and ahh, adolescent plants, all gardener’s hearts are in nature, non-resistance planting, cog in the food chain, we’re standing at a precipice, Home Grown National Park Movement, Doug Tallamy’s Bringing Nature Home, blue jays, really set my hair on fire, monarchs, milkweed, swallowtails,,,, phlox, seed banks, they know what they’ve signed up for – they’re natives, Great Dixter, topiary boxwood, burritos and salad from the garden, physostegia virginiana, you have agency, somebody has rolled the dice and everything’s shifted, bye.